Terms and Conditions of Use

Effective Date: March 2, 2024

As a service provider, we disclaim any responsibility for the content of messages posted by users, as these only reflect the views of their authors.

Our site, MMAFURIA.COM, offers information provided by external entities as well as hyperlinks to other sites that are not under our control. These contents are provided for informational purposes only. The presence of a link to another site does not constitute an endorsement of that site or its content. The use of this information should be done with discernment and critical thinking by the user. We cannot be held responsible for the information, opinions, or recommendations made by third parties on other sites.

The user agrees not to use our service to send:

  • Defamatory, abusive, racist, hateful, or threatening messages,
  • Spam or disguised advertisements,
  • Texts, photographs, and files protected by copyright,
  • Any other content deemed reprehensible by law.

We reserve the right to delete or modify any message for any reason.

Any information or content submitted by the user may be verified by a member of the team. It is recommended not to submit any private or confidential content.

The provider of this service exclusively holds the intellectual property rights on the structure and content of its website globally. The user has the right to reproduce all or part of the site’s content for personal, private, and non-collective use, such as storage for single-screen display and reproduction in a single copy for backup or print on paper. Any other use, including networking, redistribution, or commercialization, is strictly prohibited and subject to prior and express authorization. Violating these provisions exposes the offender to criminal and civil penalties in accordance with the law.

In addition to the reproduction and storage rights defined above, the user agrees not to reproduce and/or use the trademarks and logos present on the site without prior and express authorization from the service provider. Modifying, copying, translating, reproducing, selling, publishing, exploiting, and distributing any or all information, texts, photos, images, videos, and data from the site is strictly prohibited and subject to criminal and civil penalties.

Users of private forums are subject to a confidentiality clause, and the service provider cannot be held responsible if a user discloses information from a private forum. The provider reserves the right to take legal action for any information initially contained in a private forum that becomes public.

These general terms of use are subject to change.

If you disagree with these terms, we invite you not to use our services. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].